Join the world’s leading network of French-speaking lawyers


Become a member of GESICA


The GESICA network is continuing to grow, with an increasingly strong presence throughout France and across the world, aiming to offer its clients, whether French or foreign, resources to ensure sustainable implementation of their projects and effective treatment of disputes. The goal is to achieve coverage of the whole of France, Europe and internationally, with a wide range of expertise, giving our lawyers access to a wealth of internal support.

We therefore give priority to quality of service and sharing of expertise. We are always looking for opportunities to extend our coverage, both geographical and in terms of in-depth expertise, and we examine all applications carefully. 


Why join our network ?


Above all, GESICA offers a group dynamic which contributes to the performance of each of our members. Our lawyers benefit from all the power of the network: sharing of expertise and experience, support with certain cases, quality representation with the courts (pre-trial advice and procedures), continuing professional development through regional training programmes, advantages from group purchasing, sharing of information and many other constructive activities carried out on a daily basis.

This is real added value and it makes all the difference to our lawyers and their clients.

The qualities we look for

Our strength comes from rigorous selection. We take account of values as well as the level of expertise, because the value of our firms lies in the men and women who comprise them. We are therefore very demanding when we decide to include a new firm in the network, because our priority is to guarantee our clients the level of service they expect with very high quality. Our members also need to have full confidence in one another, so that they can obtain help within the network when necessary, with no cause for concern.

Firms wishing to join the network must therefore first and foremost share our values and be recognised by those with whom they work (lawyers, judges, clients etc.) as effective and high achieving professionals.

The benefits of the network

Sharing expertise
Working relationships of trust
Expertise across France and internationally
A collective performance dynamic

Rigorous selection of our lawyers

Firms can join the network based on where they are established and their areas of expertise: they should not be in competition with another local firm. In Paris, firms are selected for their expertise and may be included in the network only for a specific area of expertise.
Selection of firms is then carried out by means of a predetermined pathway which enables us to check their expertise and that they share our values.

When a firm submits an application, we make enquiries with their local professional contacts, to inform the opinion of our Executive Committee. And we take a final decision only after holding an integration workshop.


Join the GESICA network

I propose my candidacy